Wish List Wednesday: Pottery Barn Edition

Just throwing this out there to the Pottery Barn people.. you could absolutely send me any of these things (or really just anything) and I’d take a million and a half pictures of them in my home and write raving reviews of how wonderful the PB brand is. The ball is officially in your court.

Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…



lamp | pillows | clock

Lamp- So it turns out that Clint and I are kind of lamp people. We’ve been admiring this, and several others, for a while now and often go into Pottery Barn just to get googly eyed as we set our eyes on yet another must-have lamp. This particular one has a pulley, which is of particular interest to my mister. I’ve quite honestly never been much of a floor lamp person, I’ve always thought they looked so vacant and bare, this lamp is an exception to that. It has character, charm, and actually even manages to do its job all at the same time.

Pillows- I love pillows so much. I’ve been slowly but surely looking for new pillows/covers to replace the ones we currently have on our couch and as I was picking my jaw up off the floor once again after seeing the prices, I spotted these adorable little monogrammed ones. We of course would do cSk and we’d get it in teal to match our duvet. The PB has so much monogrammed wonderful-ness that I could very easily find myself in a home one day where everything has our initials on it. I would LOVE it, but it might be just a bit much.

Clock- I just imagine that if you have a clock like this in your house, you have a fun house. It’s like subway station meets rustic Hampton’s kitchen and we wind up with this great piece. This would be a great statement piece for a small space and I especially appreciate it because those giant oversized wall clocks really just aren’t my style most of the time. This is a nice little clock alternative.

What have you all been wishing for lately?
