Sister, sister.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to Kim
Happy Birthday to you!

This is in no way a good photo of either of us, but it makes me laugh and I think it
shows us in our natural element- me antagonizing her- or in this
case, pretending to attack her with a ped egg.

Today is my sister’s birthday! This is the one day a year that I will openly acknowledge that she’s older than me. Every other day, we might as well be twins. I say this now because I know it bothers her and today, as her little sister, I feel it’s my responsibility to be slightly annoying.

Kim is turning 25 today,( and sadly I didn’t realize until yesterday that I completely missed out on the chance to have a quarter themed birthday celebration for her). I happen to seriously LOVE birthday y’all. Despite my efforts, without fail, every year Kim will say she had a bad birthday. I’m sure a psychologist could pinpoint this to something but I think I know exactly what it is. She secretly wishes we were twins and would share a birthday, double the birthday, double the fun type deal.

The only problem with the idea of us being actual twins is this… If I didn’t have her to look up to, who would I have become? Who would have been the girl with the pigtails that were always just that much longer than mine? Who would I have called to cheer me up during my nightmare of a junior year in high school? Who would have led the way for me to find my future college? Who would have been the one I looked up to with her confidence and drive? The thing about my not-so-twin sister is that she made the perfect big sister. Granted we spent the first 16 years as sisters hating each others every move, we found our way to a place of friendship and have never turned back, except of course to laugh.

My big sister is a big part of the reason I am who I am today. I am so proud to call her my sister, my friend, and excitedly, my maid of honor. When we were kids I got us necklaces (they were actually free, I truly never would have paid for them, really, we hated each other) that read…  Sisters by chance, Friends by choice… she was allergic to the necklace.

Today, on her birthday, I hope she knows that while I’ll still think of us as twins when tomorrow rolls around, I couldn’t be more thankful that I had her as my big sister. It may have just been by chance, but it led to a choice to become the best of friends.

So here’s a Happy 25th to my Big Sis!